Monday, November 22, 2010

Featured Desinger Celestial Hall

TFW feature Designer Celestial Hall presented Claratoli
TFW Featured Designer Celestial Hall presents Claratoli her Spring 2010 line

Friday, November 5, 2010

 Persuit of Perfection Clothing By Lawrence Sean Oke

Pursuit of Perfection Clothing

                                                                 RO Collection

Summer Lee

Nicely Outfitted
Yassy Couture

Designer Yasmin Brown of Yassy Couture

Texas Fashion Week Preview Show

October 27, 2010 Texas Fashion Week pulled out the runways and the lights as the long waited premier of "Les Son De Mode" The Sound of Fashion, fashion show. The show took place in the PVAMU Memorial Student Center Ballroom at 7pm. 15 designers took to the runway to give audiences all over the a glimpse of their upcoming Lines. Designers included Claratoli, Exoctic Est...1988, RBTS, Skinny Guy, Basik Art, Nicely Outfitted, Purple Hollywood, Anastee', Sonny Poppxiin, Yassy Couture, Jamilah Nicol Handbags, PPC, RO Collection, Team Toss. The show got stated with Yassy Couture...


TFW Models